Golf Push Shot: How to Stop Pushing Shots Right

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Are you missing shots on the right side of the golf course all day long?
If so, it’s time to address your golf push shot so you can hit more fairways and greens (so you can start shooting lower scores). Luckily fixing a push shot isn’t as hard as a slice which tends to be a more intensive swing fix.
Today, we’ll break down why push shots happen, how to fix them, and a few equipment swaps that can help as well.
Golf Push Shot
First, let’s start by correctly identifying a push shot.
If you’re a right-handed golfer, a push shot ends up right of your target. The push shot (also known as a blocked shot) is the exact opposite of a pulled golf shot which goes left of the target.
Let’s not confuse a slice (or fade) with a push either.
A push is a shot that is straight but right of your target; while a fade or slice is one that moves in the air from left to right (assuming you’re right-handed). Although, if you hit a push slice this goes right and keeps going right in the air. This is one you want to avoid as it can lead to some big misses and blow up holes during the round.
Keep reading to learn why these shots happen, how to fix them and improve your golf swing.
Push Shot 101
Missing shots right happen for one reason – the club path is right of the target at impact position. Your divot will usually show you it’s well right of the target line but harder to spot when hitting shots off a tee.
The swing path is not to get confused with the club face. If the face of the club is open with an incorrect right path, it will lead to a push slice. If the face is square it’s a push, and if the face is closed it’ll lead to a push draw.
A push draw is a sought after shot by so many golfers because it leads to a lot more distance and desired ball flight. This happens from an inside to outside swing path with your hands rolling over at impact.
If you have to hit a push shot, you want it to draw so it comes back toward the target. The last thing you want is an open face as you will miss way right.
Understanding club path and face at impact is key but fixing it is another issue. Click here to learn how to hit a draw.
How to Fix a Push Shot in Golf
Now that we identified why push shots happen, let’s get into how to fix it. Use these five tips and drills to stop pushing golf shots and start hitting straighter golf shots fast.
1. Check Your Aim
Before making any golf swing adjustments, the first step is to check your alignment. A lot of times golfers think they’re pushing the golf ball when in reality, it’s an aiming issue.
Have a friend record your golf swing (or use a tripod) to identify your alignment. Try to get several videos (preferably on the golf course) to better understand your aim.
Make sure to check your feet and shoulder alignment keeping the target line in mind. If aim isn’t the issue, then move on to the next golf swing fixes.
2. Change Your Ball Position
Once your aim is dialed in, the second thing to evaluate is your ball position. If the ball is too far back in your stance it’s easy to hit pushes (and also chunk shots) as you get too steep. While the opposite is true if the ball is too far forward in your stance; it tends to lead to thin shot or left misses.
Ball position changes with each club – the longer the club, the more forward in your stance. But if you’re missing a lot of shots right, a simple change in ball position can do wonders for your accuracy.
3. Use Less Lower Body
If you’re hitting a lot of shots right, maybe you need to use less lower body. According to Butch Harmon in Golf Digest, the big push shots happen from spinning the lower body too quickly. This is why Tiger Woods missed so many drives right in his career!
In the article Butch offers a solution to this common swing fault. “The best way to fix push shots is to make the opposite move: Don’t use your lower body as much, and swing your arms past your chest through impact.
First, set up in a closed stance, which makes it harder for your lower body to rotate open. Then, focus on letting your arms extend and release past you.”
4. Check Your Lie Angle
Another reason for pushes or pulled shots is from an incorrect lie angle with your irons. If your irons are too flat it’ll make it easy to hit push shots even with a perfect swing. Make sure to get your iron lie angles checked at a local golf shop and adjust as needed.
5. Training Aid Fix: Buy a Divot Board
While the above tips and tricks should help you straighten out your ball flight, there is a great training aid called the Divot Board. This portable device lets you see your divot on the board and gives instant feedback for each shot. As we mentioned earlier, if you’re hitting a push shot your divot will be right.
Use this training aid to test out different swing fixes (takeaway, lower body movement, etc.) to straighten out your divot. By manipulating different parts of your swing you should start to see a straight divot. Plus, you can use this device at home, on the range, or when you’re traveling!
Divot Board: Patented Low Point and Swing Path Trainer
- Immediate feedback anywhere you can swing a golf club
- Interpret ball flight and strike quality by reading your divot
- Improve low-point consistency every practice session
- Identify the centeredness of your strike on every shot
- Check swing path and toe heel height of the clubface through impact
Drills to Fix Push Shots
Here are two simple drills from YouTube to help you straighten out your push shots.
Alignment Stick Drill
Sometimes a visual aid on the ground is all you need to help feel a more neutral path. In the below YouTube video from Golf Distillery he lays an alignment stick right of the target and in front of the ball. This represents the push path from being too much inside to outside.
With this reminder, you want to feel more over the top on your downswing which will actually square the face up. Paired up with the other tips above, this simple reminder on the driving range can help you have a more square path to hit it straighter.
Swing Left
In the below video from Me and My Golf on YouTube, they talk about ways to help get the club “unstuck.” The best way to feel the club getting more on plane is to try and swing over the top. You want to feel more upper body movement (and less lower body movement).
As they mentioned in the video this might feel ridiculous but you need to overdo the new motion on the driving range. Because when you swing with a ball it’ll be more of a neutral path, that’ll help you hit it straighter.
Plus, you can even do this at home without a club 50-100X a day to groove this new downswing move. But as they mentioned, only try this drill if you aren’t suffering from a push slice… otherwise it will compound the left to right ball flight.
Top Questions
Have more questions about missing shots right? Check out the top questions and answers below.
How do you treat a push shot in golf?
Use the five steps mentioned above to correctly fix your push shot. These include checking your aim, adjusting ball position, less lower body movement, and more.
How do you hit a push in golf?
If you’re hitting it right or left of your target, it’s related to your swing path. An inside to outside path leads to a push while an outside to in path leads to a pulled golf shot. If you’re hitting it right of your target you’ll need to have less of an inside path to straighten out your ball flight.
What is a push vs. slice in golf?
A push is a shot that goes right of the target without lateral spin. While a slice is a shot that has left to right lateral spin (a fade has less spin but still goes left to right). A push slice is a swing path and club face issue.
Why am I hitting a push slice in golf?
If you’re hitting a push slice golf shot it’s from an open club face and inside path at impact. Fix one issue at a time – starting with your grip.
Most golfers slice the ball from a weak left hand (assuming you’re right-handed) which leads to a slice. Once you straighten out the slice then address the push shots using the tips provided above.
Related: Strong Golf Grip
Wrapping Up
A push shot is frustrating but it can be fixed pretty quickly using the tips above. If you have multiple issues – like a push slice – start by fixing one issue at a time.
Before making any swing changes or heading straight to YouTube, make sure to check your alignment. So many issues in the golf swing happen from poor aim so always double check this before adjusting grip, takeaway, etc.
Once your aim is square, then use the tips, drills, and training aids above to groove a more neutral swing path.
Do you hit more pushes or pulls in golf?
Let us know in the comments below.

Michael Leonard
Michael Leonard is a full-time writer, author, creator of Wicked Smart Golf and +1 handicap amateur golfer. He left his corporate career in 2017 to pursue entrepreneurship and professional golf; since then, he’s competed in 160+ tournament days and went to Q-school in 2019.